Video: Howard Gordon spills first details on 24 Season 8

With the press having just watched the 24 Season 7 finale, show-runner Howard Gordon is already letting people know what’s in store for the upcoming Season 8 (which begins filming in just over a week).

When asked on whether the famous CTU ringtone will return, Gordon said “I don’t know actually, we haven’t talked about that. But that’s a good question. I think we will – I think you kinda need that ringtone, don’t ya? Thank you, you’ve just saved the show!” Gordon joked.


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[..YouTube..] how they gonna shoot the new season when kiefer is in prison??

[..YouTube..] The charges have been dropped, Kiefer is not going anywhere.

[..YouTube..] Cant wait for Day 8!

[..YouTube..] i hope jack and renne r together next year…
jack needs 2 hit that cause if he doesnt i

[..YouTube..] good to hear that kiefer is free of charges

[..YouTube..] Wooohoooooooo, cant wait until we can buy it in Belgium

[..YouTube..] Yeah… the ringtone needs to be there. CTU is not the same without it…

[..YouTube..] Lol i agree

[..YouTube..] Hopefully the next season will show some of the corruption in the… oh crap, he just referred to the UN as a “symbol of hope”. Never mind. :-/