Howard Gordon video interview – end of 24, movie details

Howard Gordon talks about the end of 24 and says that he knew from the start it’d likely be the final year. He also gives a very nice tidbit at the end saying that “There will be some old cast members making an appearance in the movie”.

Source CNN


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Who else could “old cast members” besides Jack and Chloe be?

Yeah, everyone else is DEAD.

Well, considering that they managed to kill every damn person we care about besides Tony….yea, I guess that means Tony.

Maybe its Mandy… LOL

There could be anyone from Tony, Aaron, Mandy, Mike Novick, Alan Wilson, Chuck Logan
(if he survives this season), Kim, Jim Heller (unlikely), Pres. Suvarov

Maybe it’s Noah Daniels and Tom Lennox, their stories are far from finished

but for sure,,there is no renee.. :(

There could be anyone from Tony, Aaron, Mandy, Mike Novick, Alan Wilson, Chuck Logan
(if he survives this season), Kim, Jim Heller (unlikely), Pres. Suvarov