Reason for no ’24’ blooper reel

After being asked by fans on Twitter, Howard Gordon took to his other Twitter account, @24Season8 (shh… I think it’s supposed to be a secret) to explain why bloopers weren’t included on the DVD. The answer is pretty insulting in my opinion.

No 24 Blooper Reel Explanation

What the heck? Blooper reels are a very common part of television shows and movies – fans are smart enough to realize the difference. There was even one on the 24 Season 6 DVD (the Ricky Gervais cameo). It’s not like the bloopers would be integrated into the actual episodes, we access bloopers through a special feature menu. Clear distinction from the show.

24‘s constantly serious nature is precisely why a blooper reel would be so fun to watch. I can understand withholding bloopers until 24‘s final season (like Kiefer promised before) but to not give us any period? Weak move.

Source: 24Season8 Twitter


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I think the real reason is that FOX simply didn’t want to put in any more effort into the release than they did.

January 8, 2011 at 8:40 am
That’s like saying “We can’t make scenemakers and making ofs, because it would take the viewer out of the 24 universe and ruin everything.”, yet those are still on the DVDs.

This is such big bullshit. The X Files used to have bloopers, too. One can only hope they will be putting the bloopers on the blu-ray release of the complete series. This year is 24’s 10th anniversary!

Chris L. Harris
January 8, 2011 at 7:39 pm
Can this man’s head be ever more up his own ass? I’ve seen blooper reels on all the LOST DVDs, which as a show took it’s story as seriously as 24. I’ve also seen one gag reel for The Wire on it’s final season DVD, and that’s the one show I can think of that take’s itself way way more seriously than 24 or LOST.

On the other hand, you may have a point PDFierro. FOX and/or the producers probably didn’t want to put anymore material into the dvd than they already had on hand (i. e., commentaries, in-depth documentaries, etc.) b/c…I just can’t think of a good reason why. I particularly wanted at least one audio commentary from Howard Gordon and Kiefer Sutherland defending the story and character choices for Season 8, which I was not cool with overall.

Pretty much sums up my reaction to the “no bloopers on the final season of 24”.

Get over it. They’re right. A 24 blooper reel wouldn’t seem right at all. The only people that feel “insulted” are the ones who are so over-indulged that they feel they’re owed it, God knows why. They made the right call. Go have a Coke and a smile and relax.