New ’24’ Parody Web Series Launched

A new 24 parody web series called “00:24” or “Twenty Four Minutes” premiered last night. The first two episodes (of 24) were released. Characters include “Stack Power”, “Ronie Alschmeida”, “Allison Nailer”, and “Trina Meyers”. Yeah….

It’s up to you whether you find the humor funny, but it’s got decent production values and a bunch of inside jokes for 24 fans. You can watch the first two episodes at or on YouTube.


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[..YouTube..] Stack Power you are one sexy, bearded, Earth Worm Jim playing hero for our generation …and attention span.

[..YouTube..] congrats on the first annual bbq
the lady actually looks like allyson taylor

[..YouTube..] lool. i just realised this is a piss take kinda thing :P

[..YouTube..] You guys arnt getting the views you deserve, anyway good work guys :)

[..YouTube..] So far so good! I reviewed your first 6 episodes on my blog – Webevision.

[..YouTube..] “This is the last time I put our relationship on the line for Burbank.” #LOL