’24’ Family/Main Theme Redone by DillonB1234

24 fan DillonB1234 has created this awesome music tribute using Symphobia, FL Studio, and Pianoteq.

“It’s sad, but there’s hope for a movie and Jack’s still alive so it’s triumphant towards the end. I LOVE Sean Callery’s music and I love composing, so I made this based on the main themes of 24,” he says. Definitely worth a listen!

YouTube Link: 24 redone – Family/Main theme


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[..YouTube..] Loving it ;)

[..YouTube..] Wow, thats great!! – you should make some more!

[..YouTube..] @kmurp07 Glad you liked it! :D I’ve thought about covering some other 24 tracks but honestly there’s just way too many to choose from. That being said I have about 100 project files of 24-like grooves and beats :P Gotta love it! haha

[..YouTube..] @DillonB1234 Id love to hear Logans Downfall – amazing piece of music.

[..YouTube..] Great job! Can I make one suggestion however? Why don’t you combine the original family theme (like you had here) with the new family theme from episode 8x01, when Jack, Kim, and his granddaughter are all walking out to the car? I think it would be great to have them side by side in one track :)

[..YouTube..] @Crisis892000 hey! Thanks for the comment. I hear what you’re saying and I love that cue in 8x01 but imo it’s not really a theme since it was just the one instance when it was played. I made this right after the finale so I just wanted to stick to the classic themes from the earlier seasons as an homage :D Thanks though!

[..YouTube..] brilliant. amazing work my friend.

This is simply beautiful… Thank you so very much Mr. Dillon! CHEERS!!!!

[..YouTube..] Wow man! Great Job!!!!!!!! Sean Callery himself would be proud!