CNN got in touch with Howard Gordon, whose new series Homeland was nominated for nine Emmys today, and Howard was of course asked about the 24 movie.
Regarding their other project, the anticipated “24” movie, Gordon says it looked like the movie “was marching toward some sort of, I thought, a green light. Then everybody put the breaks on. I think it’s going to be revisited shortly … but as far as I know it’s still something that they, meaning Fox, still wants to do. And I think Kiefer [Sutherland] still wants to do it.”
Comments ClosedGerry Mander
July 19, 2012 at 10:45 pmEVERYONE put the brakes on, are you sure about that HoGo? From everything I’ve read, it appears that the Kief’ and Brian Grazer were proceeding full steam ahead with the movie, that is, until the corporate bow-wows at FOX decided that Jack Bauer’s big-screen debut wasn’t worth more than a miserly $30m… or am I wrong about that!?
Had FOX given them the bare minimum they were asking for – $45m – the ’24’ movie would have been, should have been shot this summer with Antoine Fuqua directing (and having just seen ‘Brooklyn’s Finest’, I am now officially gutted that Fuqua isn’t doing the ’24’ movie now, that would’ve been brilliant, alas…) and an early February 2013 release (instead of the new ‘Die Hard’ movie, which should be released that summer), still, let’s hope FOX regain their senses and give the ’24’ movie some decent coin when they revisit it soon…
July 20, 2012 at 3:17 am24bauerfan
July 20, 2012 at 7:38 amDrama Series
Drama Actress (Claire Danes)
Drama Actor (Damian Lewis)
Drama Writing (for “Pilot”)
Drama Directing (for “Pilot”)
Just so you can make the comparison, on its first season, 24 got nominated for:
Drama Series
Drama Actor (Kiefer Sutherland, who else?)
Drama Writing (for the pilot episode) (24 WON this emmy in its first year)
Drama Directing (for the pilot episode)
August 23, 2012 at 12:15 am