Now let’s talk about your career a bit. In 24 you worked alongside fellow Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland. What was it like working with him?
Total gentleman. Kiefer Sutherland, he was wonderful to me. He’s very much a part of that show, he has a lot of creative input, and he really made me feel welcome on that show. There was a week where we worked together because our story lines coincided. So there was one night we were in the tunnels doing these shootout scenes and there were night shoots, so Kiefer was there every day. And he was awesome. When I did my torture scene he made a point to come up and thank me for my work, because they really did put a bag over my head. They really did suffocate me. So he was like thank you for doing that, it worked out really well.Where is Kiefer now?
He’s in Calgary now, shooting a film with his dad called Forsaken, a western. And then he’ll start shooting the new 24: Live Another Day.Will you be in that?
I don’t know, let me check my phone!

Nazneen Contractor at Tastemakers Lounge 2013