24: Live Another Day Episode 7 Ratings

24: Live Another Day Episode 7 Ratings
How did 24: Live Another Day do in episode 7?

Half Hour Breakdowns:
9:00 PM: 6.36 million (#41), A18-49: 1.7/ 5 (#1t)
9:30 PM: 6.30 million (#41), A18-49: 1.6/ 5 (#2)

Fox Statement

With MASTERCHEF and 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY, FOX ranked #1 last night among Adults 18-49, Adults 18-34 and Total Viewers.

  • 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY: 1.6/5, down -11% from last week in Adults 18-49 but up +2% in Total Viewers (6.3 million vs 6.2 million) and even with last week in Adults 18-34.
  • 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY was the highest rated program of the night in Adults 25-54, Total Viewers and all key male demos
  • Projected Live + 3 Day Adults 18-49 Rtg: 2.3 to 2.5 (a +44% to +56% lift vs. L+SD)
  • Projected Live + 7 Day Adults 18-49 Rtg: 2.5 to 2.7 (a +56% to +69% lift vs. L+SD)
  • Projected 30-Day Multi-Platform Total Audience: 12.1 Mil to 13.4 Mil (a +92% to +113% lift vs. L+SD)

Ratings Analysis

Other: Zap2It

This post will be updated with UK ratings, Live+3 and Live+7 ratings in the coming days.


Comments Closed
That’s great news.

Well done episode 7, you deserve it!

Are them ratings good? Like the 1.6/5?

Live+7 ratings for episode 4 are in and there are huge increases in the demo (71%) and total viewers (60%). Final rating is 9.142 million viewers and 2.9 in the demo. With hulu and itunes viewers added in, the total viewership are probably over 10 million.

I can’t remember the exact ratings, but the total viewership seems to be higher than the ratings for season 1, similar to what they had in the fall episodes of season 2-3 (with no American Idol lead-in), and on par with later season 7 episodes, and most of season 8. That’s pretty impressive, IMO.


It seems Kiefer doesn’t want to play Jack…or it’s only promo..
He said in an interview: “I have loved bringing Jack back – and my heart says I want to play him until I am an old man. But my head says that now is the right time to stop.”


As far I’m concerned I won’t watch a spin off with Kate or anyone, and I can’t see who could come after Kiefer as jack.

But I would like a prequel, just before season 1 with Operation Nightfall, Jack meeting Nina…etc..They could find a young actor to be a young Jack as they did in X men with Fassbender who is a great young Magneto

Give this guy Kiefer’s bright yellow s1 hair and you have an awesome young Jack.


Plays intense badass roles very well and can handle action/fight stuff brilliantly.


I’d rather have a spin off with friggin Honey Boo Boo than ever have a stupid prequel. They are almost as stupid as remakes. You know what happens, who can and can’t die, it’s pointless.

Gosh….. I’d like to be in a tweet-worthy demographic ,too. Offhand does anyone know if a penis comes as an accessory when you buy a replica Jack Bauer man-bag?

Everyone should email Howard Gordon asking for more seasons of 24! Once he see’s the fans demanding more seasons! I am sure they will bring it back so they don’t disappoint us fans! [email protected]

How did you get this? lol

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