Whatever happens with Heller and Margot, Jack will also have to answer for his role in this situation to Heller’s daughter, and Jack’s former lover, Audrey (Kim Raver). “She will be very prominent [in the rest of the season],” Cochran said. “She’ll play a very important role.” Added Gordon: “If you look at the [list] of people Jack has lost and who mean something to Jack, Audrey is one of the less than a handful of people who are still alive and mean something to Jack. So, because of that… Jack’s intersecting with her life will have a tremendous impact.”
But could this most recent action mean the end of Jack and Audrey’s relationship? “Jack, unfortunately, loses a lot, and sacrifices many of the few people he’s come to love and who’ve come to trust him,” Gordon said. “He loses them, and that scar tissue has built up over the years, and has made him an increasingly complicated and tragic character.”
So, in other words, Jack can’t ever be happy? “That’s the big question the series poses,” Cochran says. “That’s a question we ask ourselves in the story room all the time: What is Jack’s ultimate fate? Can he achieve some sort of personal peace and happiness? Or is that simply not his destiny?”
Comments ClosedTran
June 16, 2014 at 7:10 pmMary
June 16, 2014 at 7:16 pmBecause life works out so well for people who have personal relationships with Jack.
June 16, 2014 at 8:29 pmMary
June 16, 2014 at 8:35 pmChloe
June 16, 2014 at 10:39 pmI really don’t understand the point of bringing her back if they end it with J&A in a way that’s similar to the season 6 finale. It would feel like a useless rehash.
June 17, 2014 at 9:37 amI would have rather read hints of the writers demolishing once and for all the possibility of a Jack/Audrey relationship and instead see them take Jack/Kate into a path like what happened with Renee (not in the sense of her death but how she and Jack are more alike and formed a connection that way). To me, the Teri/Kate Warner/Kim/Audrey characters were too different from Jack in how all were dependent and fragile – whereas, Renee (and now Kate) are stronger, resilient types comparable to Jack.
June 17, 2014 at 5:45 pmI loved Audrey in the past and her and Jack again was one of the reasons why I was so happy to have 24 again. But I gotta say that so far a little bit disappointed. 1 scene together and not so much Audrey´s screen time, and I don´t know if at this point is believable getting back together, especially after what happened in the last episode.
Maybe Audrey and Mark won´t end up together, but I am afraid that Jack and Audrey neither. In the end nothing new with Jack and Audrey, I feel a little bit cheated. Why she was brought back then?
June 17, 2014 at 9:39 amNew West Virginian
June 16, 2014 at 10:23 pmAnd if Heller is dead, what about that signature? Mark could probably tell the Russians that Heller rescinded the order but he’s no longer alive to talk to the Russians.
June 16, 2014 at 10:31 pmChloe
June 16, 2014 at 10:33 pmSince this seems to be it for 24, I just want Jack to get a happy (whatever that may mean in 24 world) ending for once.
June 16, 2014 at 10:40 pmAquaflute
June 17, 2014 at 12:28 amAngelika Kanis
June 17, 2014 at 3:05 amI hope that Sean Callery will get another Emmy- and Golden-Globe-nod for his fantastic music in 24LAD. Especially in this episode it was totally moving.
uncle carol
June 17, 2014 at 8:29 amSimone
June 17, 2014 at 11:00 amThe “Audrey” character as always mean something important for Jack.
And for once (after 8 season) i hope in a good ending for both…
Maybe together…
June 23, 2014 at 4:56 amRichard Heller, the son of James Heller, and brother to Audrey, is probably behind the “killing” of his father. For those of you who remember, during season 4, when Richard Heller was humiliated by his father, he has since now “waited” until the perfect opportunity to get his revenge on his dad. He then plotted this elaborate scheme, also using Margot’s revengeful attitude towards James Heller as well, and so now they used this to carry out their task.
However whereas Margot thinks that she has now gotten her revenge, doesn’t realize that Richard is also in cahoots with Margot’s son, who then is also now going to go behind his mother’s back and then use the drones to also attack other targets as well, including killing Audrey, too (because Audrey never stuck up for Richard, either, during his humiliating time in season 4). Hence this now pushes Audrey more into the limelight during the remaining episodes.
When Jack then finds all of this out (in the upcoming episodes), this really gets him ballistic, and so now Jack is so intense to stop Richard from especially killing his true love in Audrey, he STOPS AT NOTHING!!! to then thwart this attack and ultimately get to Richard!
Now of course, Margot (in her mad naivety), never anticipated on all of this stuff to backfire against her, and therefore never gave it a second thought as to why she shouldn’t have had to be the “only face” for this attack on James Heller, and should have actually dragged Richard into the picture along with her as well, but as the story goes, we will see why Richard has been held out of the viewers “eyes” until we then get to see him in the upcoming episodes.
Now of course because Richard (over the years), has since been silently “gaining influence” and the ability to make these kinds terrorist demands (with his “secretly gained wealth” as well), is now finally in the process of carrying out all of these things and becoming the ultimate “INSANE VILLAIN” for Jack and the rest of the world!!!
Watch out, world, Richard ‘HELL’er is on the war path!!!