Anna Diop cast in 24: Legacy as Nicole Carter

Anna Diop
Anna Diop

The Messengers alum Anna Diop has been cast opposite Corey Hawkins and Miranda Otto in Fox pilot 24: Legacy, which reboots the 24 franchise with brand new characters and cast.

Diop will play Nicole, Carter’s wife. It is expected to be a significant role, just as the wife of Jack Bauer was on the original series.

Source Deadline Thanks Mike


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Wouldn’t it have been a bit more multi-cultural and PC for Fox to have a non-African American wife?

New lead character is not going to have one love interest for the run of the new show. If Nicole makes it out alive, there will be somebody else to free up Eric for plenty of love interests to come, I’d wager. Some pair will wind up Palmer & Anne at some point in the run.

Instead of going the lazy parallel/homage route and killing her off, they should kill her husband off instead… maybe even having her pull the trigger.

I’m saying this because it would be a fresh, fantastic twist which 24 so badly needs… aaaaaaaand I can’t fucking stand the new guys ugly tranny face.

That would be pretty cool!

Significant like dying in season finale? =D

Unless Eric Carter didn’t marry his Teri, he married his ______. [Hint: Season 6].

Lool @ XAM. …let us be civil here…..corey hawkins is an amazing actor for a guy his age..and he is clearly talented as far as I’ve seen him so far….In straight outta compton and the walking dead. .. let’s remember that 24 has always been a show that makes and builds actors to a another level they did it with Reiko ayelsworth, Carlos bernard, Mary Lynn who everyone hated when she came on in season 3 and not only because of her looks Lool…It would be abit 2 faced not to trust the same team that has made the show so successful and brilliant and phenomenal. ……so let’s judge the actors they are casting from their roles and output. …

This lady is a great choice. She has a really strong presence in the couple of things I’ve seen her in and is really articulate and elegant in interviews. Looking forward to Nicole.

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