24 Season 8 Episode 9 Promo (12:00AM-1:00AM) #2
The second promo for 24 Season 8 Episode 9. “Before Jack Bauer can save his country, he’ll have to save her.” YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×09 (12:00AM – 1:00AM) Promo #2 HD
The second promo for 24 Season 8 Episode 9. “Before Jack Bauer can save his country, he’ll have to save her.” YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×09 (12:00AM – 1:00AM) Promo #2 HD
Photos of last nights episode courtesy of FOX.
Animated recap for 24 Season 8 episode 8. YouTube Link: 24 – Recap: For Your Eyes Only: 11:00pm – 12:00am
YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×09 (12:00AM – 1:00AM) Promo (HD)
Update 3/28/2010: I have been told by a huge Anil Kapoor fan that Anil has NOT returned to Los Angeles. Although this interview/article was first published in a February issue of TV Guide, it was apparently conducted months beforehand – Anil’s final episode count likely remains at sixteen. The original post is below. Back in…
20th Century Fox Television has temporarily shut down production of “24” so that Kiefer Sutherland can undergo a surgical procedure related to a ruptured cyst near his kidney. Although the cyst ruptured while he was working, the star and executive producer of “24” was able to work through Friday. His publicist, Evelyn Karamanos, issued the…
Joel McHale discussed the crazy-awesome knife scene from episode 7 on The Soup when all of a sudden Lost star Michael Emerson (Benjamin Linus) appeared on the show. If you’re a 24 fan and a Lost fan this is some funny stuff. Video Link: 24’s Renee Walker discussed on The Soup
YouTube Link: 24 – Preview #1 from MON 2/15! YouTube Link: 24 – Preview #2 from MON 2/15! YouTube Link: 24 – Preview #3 from MON 2/15!
TENSION SURGES WHEN JACK BAUER CLOSES IN ON A KEY LEAD AND PRESIDENT TAYLOR MEETS WITH OMAR HASSAN ON AN ALL-NEW “24” MONDAY, MARCH 1, ON FOX As the terror threat continues, the Hassan family turmoil fans the flames of the increasingly urgent situation. When Jack closes in on a person of significant interest, an…
The Live Feed created a list of endangered TV shows and the chances for a ninth season of 24 aren’t looking too great according to them: “24” — Fox’s action-drama continues to perform well, with its eighth season generating numbers in the low-to-mid 3s. Yet “24” is pricey to produce and has little syndication value.…
“The worlds most dangerous men just made a deadly mistake – they captured Jack Bauer.” YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×08 (11:00PM – 12:00AM) Promo #2 – HD
This was a Valentine’s Day Promo made by FOX featuring nearly all of their shows (Fringe, Bones, Human Target, House, Family Guy, and 24). It aired during American Idol last night. All of the scenes were previously aired (Jack and Renee stuff was from episode 4), but people were asking for this promo so here…
Photos of last nights episode courtesy of FOX.
24 star Katee Sackhoff talks about leaving Battlestar Galactica for the world of Jack Bauer. Katee discusses playing against type, her character’s twisted back story and moving on from the Sci-Fi world. YouTube Link: Celebrity Interviews / 24: Katee Sackhoff
YouTube Link: 24 – For Your Eyes Only: Recap 10:00-11:00pm