24 Season 8/House Promo
YouTube Link: House/24 Promo January 29 (HD)
YouTube Link: House/24 Promo January 29 (HD)
Had a power failure in my apartment tonight during the final twenty minutes of the show (really annoying!). Luckily I was able to watch the rest at a friends house and record this off his DVR, but unfortunately it’s in standard-def. I’ll try and get a high-def version up once FOX re-airs it. YouTube Link:…
One of my favorite 24 Season 8 promos so far. Check out what Jack Bauer does at the 0:08 mark using his FEET. YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 “I’m Not Bluffing” Promo (HD)
Third promo for 24 Season 8 episode 5 with ten seconds of additional scenes including Jack tackling someone and Renee/Vladimir. YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×05 (8:00PM – 9:00PM) Promo #3
YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×05 (8:00PM – 9:00PM) Promo #2 (HD)
YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×05 (8:00PM – 9:00PM) Promo (HD)
Here’s the promo that aired after the first two hours. Renee is coming back with a vengeance! YouTube Link: 24 Season 8×03 and 8×04 (6:00PM – 8:00PM) Promo HD
Here’s a music video that Fox played at the 24 Season 8 premiere screening. Little bits and pieces are used throughout the 24 promos airing on television, but here you can see it uncut in full glory. The music track is “Treat Me Like Your Mother” from The Dead Weather.
Many thanks to Sky1 for putting these online for us 24 fans in the US! YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 Red Hot Renee Walker Promo – Sky1
YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 “Television’s Greatest Thrill Ride” Promo (HD)
YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 “New Day, New City, New Threat” Promo (HD)
YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 “24 Hours of Pure Adrenaline” Promo (HD)
This was part of another Human Target/24 dual promo, I only uploaded the 24 portion of the commercial though. There’s a brief new scene with Jack and the CTU director Brian Hastings. YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 January 9th Promo (HD)
This is a new FOX promo advertising both 24 and Human Target (which premiere on the same night – January 17th). Most of the footage has been in other promos already, but there is a few seconds new at the beginning where Jack Bauer asks Renee Walker “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”…
This is an HD version of the popular “Survive” extended trailer. It runs a full minute long and is one of the better promos in terms of showcasing all of the characters. YouTube Link: 24 Season 8 “Survive” Promo (HD)