24 Season 5 Episode 5 (11:00AM-12:00PM) Promotional Photos
24 Season 5 Episode 5 (11:00AM-12:00PM) Promotional Photos
24 Season 5 Episode 5 (11:00AM-12:00PM) Promotional Photos
Promo for 24 Season 5 (11:00 AM – 12:00PM). Walt Cummings orders an assassin to take out Jack Bauer inside CTU. Martha Logan claims she was attacked but nobody believes her.
TERROR THREAT WORSENS ON “24” MONDAY, JANUARY 23, ON FOX CTU is forced to investigate its own staff while a touching reunion between Jack and Audrey turns awkward. As the national threat worsens, unexpected players and ulterior motives surface and President Logan begins to break down in the episode “Day 5: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM” Monday,…