’24’ star Annie Wersching dies at 45 from cancer
Annie Wersching who played Renee Walker in 24 Season 7 and 8 has passed away at the age of 45 after a private battle with cancer.
Annie Wersching who played Renee Walker in 24 Season 7 and 8 has passed away at the age of 45 after a private battle with cancer.
One year ago today, the 24 series finale aired on FOX. Rather than writing a long post praising the show, I assume everyone here is already aware of the awesomeness that is 24. So instead, I’ll post some videos for you to watch including this great documentary that you most likely haven’t seen before: Here’s…
Time for another roundup of 24 cast member guest appearances. Although there’s no 24 Season 9 this January, we can still see many familiar faces on other shows this month. Get ready to mark your calendars and set your DVR’s!
Here are all six of the deleted scenes found on the 24 Season 8 DVD. There aren’t any audio commentaries for the deleted scenes this time around, so there’s no way to know why these scenes were deleted. Typically they are cut for time reasons.
The Los Angeles Times has listed Renee Walker as one of the ten beloved television characters who passed away in 2010 which will be missed. I can definitely agree with this one! Here’s what they say: Renee (Annie Wersching on “24”). Jack Bauer finally gets to have sex and minutes later his girlfriend is shot…
“Nostalgically, the first season will always feel special to me. We were really flying by the seat of our pants,” says Sutherland, who spent 10 years and eight seasons in his first TV series. “And I have a real affection for Season 8” and its depiction of a battered Jack’s relationship with agent Renee Walker…
Two of Jack Bauer’s field partners on 24, Mike Doyle (played by Rick Schroder, Season 6) and Renee Walker (played by Annie Wersching, Seasons 7-8) are joining the cast of ABC’s No Ordinary Family as husband and wife! Ricky Schroder, who played field agent Mike Doyle during ’24’s sixth season, will guest-star on the freshman…
Update 12/14: Check out videos, screencaps, and information on Annie Wersching’s NCIS role at our sister site, Awesome Annie. I’ve been reporting on what ex-24 cast members have been up to in past blog posts and my “Where are they now? 24 cast and crew” roundup and here’s an exciting one: Annie Wersching (24‘s Renee…
Now that the new TV season has started I thought it would be interesting to take a look at where the 24 crew went after the series ended a few months ago. Fans that have watched the DVD bonus features probably know that the cast and crew were very close to each other, and that’s…
TV Guide’s William Keck caught up with 24 cast members at the series finale event and asked them what their favorite love interest for Jack was, favorite torture scene, favorite death scene, and favorite President. FAVORITE LEADING LADY FOR JACK Kim Raver (Audrey Raines): “I’m a romantic, so I feel Jack and Audrey were always…
Annie Wersching chats with Sky One about Renee Walker’s death and why she felt like she died three 24 deaths. YouTube Link: Annie Wersching Sky interview May 2010
Extra caught up with the cast behind 24 at the series finale wrap party and asked some questions about the finale, the 24 movie, and more. Video Link: Kiefer Sutherland and 24 cast on Extra
Leslie Hope, Annie Wersching, Kiefer Sutherland, Mary Lynn Rajskub, and Kim Raver are interviewed on camera briefly. Kiefer and Mary Lynn tease a bit about the series finale and the others share some of their memories. Leslie Hope had perhaps the best 24 quote I’ve ever heard, summing up her story arc: “I was kidnapped,…
Photos of the 24 Series Finale Party courtesy of FOX. Cast members from all seasons of 24 were invited. It’s so cool to see a bunch of the classic characters back together posing with each other! Some of the actors in attendance were Sarah Clarke (Nina Myers), Leslie Hope (Teri Bauer), Dennis Haysbert (David Palmer),…
Little episode 18 tidbit near the end of video 1 – Sergei Bazhaev from earlier this season is in the courtroom with Jack Bauer. Video Link: Annie Wersching on Extra (April 15, 2010) Video Link: Annie Wersching on Hollywood 411 (April 15, 2010)