What to expect from 24 Redemption
YouTube Link: 24: Redemption – What to expect?
YouTube Link: 24: Redemption – What to expect?
I caught up with Robert Carlyle over the weekend at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. The Scottish star of The Full Monty and 28 Weeks Later has two films in the festival: Stone Of Destiny, the true story of four students who steal the eponymous, symbolic stone (pilfered by Edward I back in 1296 to…
Here are a few set pictures from 24 Redemption filming at 8AM in The Western Cape, South Africa. Robert Carlyle who plays Carl Benton and Jack Bauer appear to be having a conversation with Carlyle’s character holding some kind of letter in his right hand.
Check your watches Ausholes, ’cause I’m pretty sure it’s time for some 24 scoop! Sources confirm to me exclusively that Scottish thesp Robert Carlyle (The Full Monty) has been cast in Fox’s upcoming 24 prequel movie as Benton, Jack’s mentor in Africa. As Fox announced this morning, the two-hour telepic, shot on location in South…