Michelle Fairley: 24 writers “did a nice job” with Margot
Michelle Fairley says the 24 writers “did a nice job” with the suddenness of Margot’s demise.
Michelle Fairley says the 24 writers “did a nice job” with the suddenness of Margot’s demise.
Michelle Fairley talks about Margot’s demise in the ninth episode of 24: Live Another Day.
All five sneak peek clips from 24: Live Another Day Episode 9.
Vulture has a good interview with Michelle Fairley, the wonderful actress that plays standout villain Margot Al-Harazi in 24: Live Another Day. It’s a very challenging part. I spoke at length with the writers, and we talked about different aspects of her character, and what drives a person like this. She’s a passionate woman, and…
FOX has released an incredible 20 minute special preview for 24: Live Another Day titled “Jack is Back.” The video has loads of brand new footage and interviews with just about the entire cast and includes the first footage of Michelle Fairley as the main villain Margot (in what looks to be a standout role).…
24: Live Another Day made the cover of Entertainment Weekly. It includes the first photo of Michelle Fairley as Margot Al-Harazi and a few tidbits of new information (apparently Chloe and Adrian are dating). We’ve transcribed the ten page article below. You can buy the issue on newsstands starting Friday April 4th. While taking a…
Another exciting casting for Fox’s 24 reboot Live Another Day: Michelle Fairley is joining the show in a major villainous role. She’ll play Margot, the British widow of a notorious terrorist. This is a role that was previously filled by actress Judy Davis, who had to exit the production due for personal reasons. Fairley is…