24 Season 8 Promo with Anil Kapoor
Here’s a promo for 24 Season 8 on AXN Asia. Anil Kapoor is the focus there and gets top billing.
Here’s a promo for 24 Season 8 on AXN Asia. Anil Kapoor is the focus there and gets top billing.
Anil Kapoor is going great guns. After the international acclaim following Slumdog Millionaire, the evergreen star is making his debut on international television with the final season of American series 24. He describes the action drama as “bigger than the biggest” he has done in India. “This small screen (24) was bigger than the big…
Photos of last nights episode courtesy of FOX. Lots of Jack Bauer action shots.
TV Guide Magazine Daily Review – Chuck, 24: Happy and Unhappy Endings Anil Kapoor’s final hours as President Hassan were his finest, clocking his protector Jack and giving himself over to the terrorists in hopes of averting the bomb blast. (He cut it close. There were only seven seconds left when the doomed Tarin stopped…
Anil Kapoor is all over the place today – here’s his Attack of the Show video interview on G4TV. Game Trailers – E3 2010 – Movies and TV Video Link: The Final Hours of 24 with Anil Kapoor (Attack of the Show)
Anil Kapoor with his second interview of the day (still more to come – he’ll be on Attack of the Show in a few minutes). Should be obvious based on all the press he’s doing that tonights double-hour episode is a pivotal time for the Omar Hassan character…
Anil Kapoor interviewed on Good Day LA this morning. It includes a clip from tonights double-hour episode of 24 (starts an hour earlier tonight, don’t forget!) at the start and some more around the 5:35 mark. Source: Redlasso
Den of Geek – 24 Season 8 episode 14 review: All in all, this was a great episode that did one very important thing: it moved the story forward constantly, and didn’t get too bogged down in details and stalling tactics. In one episode we’ve seen the rods arrive in Manhattan, get assembled and moved…
Three preview clips from next weeks episode (airing March 29). [flv:http://24spoilers.s3.amazonaws.com/8x14_InsideJob.flv http://24spoilers.s3.amazonaws.com/8x14_InsideJob.jpg 560 340] [flv:http://24spoilers.s3.amazonaws.com/8x14_SatelliteDown.flv http://24spoilers.s3.amazonaws.com/8x14_SatelliteDown.jpg 560 340] [flv:http://24spoilers.s3.amazonaws.com/8x14_ReadyNow.flv http://24spoilers.s3.amazonaws.com/8x14_ReadyNow.jpg 560 340]
You finally made your debut on the small screen with 24. How was the experience? Television abroad is completely different from what it is like over here. It’s very mainstream. Whether it’s the infrastructure, the logistics, the actors, the money or the budget — it’s as good as a big budget film. It was like…
Clip #1: Hastings and Weiss CTU Director Hastings (Mykelti Williamson. L) sends a message to Chief of Staff Rob Weiss (Chris Diamantopoulos, R) in the “1:00 – 2:00 AM” episode of 24 that aired Monday, March 1 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2010 FOX BROADCASTING. Clip #2: Jack Bauer and CTU TAC team Jack…
Update 3/28/2010: I have been told by a huge Anil Kapoor fan that Anil has NOT returned to Los Angeles. Although this interview/article was first published in a February issue of TV Guide, it was apparently conducted months beforehand – Anil’s final episode count likely remains at sixteen. The original post is below. Back in…
YouTube Link: 24 – 9:00-10:00PM (Clip 1) YouTube Link: 24 – 9:00-10:00PM (Clip 2) YouTube Link: 24 – 9:00-10:00PM (Clip 3)
Promo pics from 24 Season 8 Episode 4 (7:00PM – 8:00PM). Photos of Jack Bauer, Renee Walker, Cole Ortiz, and Omar Hassan.
As you prepare to embark on your eighth action-packed day, TVGuide.com thought it wise — after looking into your future (i.e. the first four episodes of 24‘s Season 8 ) — to pass on a little advice. 1. Remember to cherish your friends: Chloe O’Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub) has put her job — and sometimes…